Saturday, June 2, 2007

Advice to teachers

Everybody has their lists.. here's mine. the most obvious would be "know the subject" and "know how to teach." i might be able to bear the those cant do the second but definately not the first!
1. Never refer to the class or any student by "nonsense kahin ke"
2. Never make faces. Dont try the angry/dissatified... any look. Very few people can make it and you just end up looking silly and become the butt of all jokes.
3. When a student asks you a question, dont confuse them more and as far as possible, try to answer the question asked, not what you know.
4. Oh and while answering do look at the person who asks the question and not at the other end of class.
5. Its just as irritating to have a teacher's mobile phone ring in the middle of class though it might be a relief to students at times. But especially in an exam??
6. Never wear dupattas with shells, trinkets or anything which make noise, not in class and definately not when there is an exam you are invigilating.
7. Never make a student appearing for an exam get the extra supplementary sheets which is your responsibility.
8. Never threaten students with attendance. it just shows you know how bad a teacher you are. 9. Never tell stories about your family or yourself. We are not the least interested that your son is giving CAT and doesnt have the decency to find out about colleges and entrances himself and you have to waste class times to ask us on what to do.
10. If possible, dont start in the middle of the blackboard and end up in the corners. Its a bit confusing.
11. Dont write too small on the blackboard. We dont have magnifying glasses. On the other hand dont write too big. We are not in kindergarden.


rama srinivasan said...

good list :-P
i can think of 100 more

Eye of Tiger said...

so why dont u make a list!!! :P
i know there are hundreds of things...this was just a few i had to write to get it out of my system after my exam ended.

rama srinivasan said...

i will make a list of advices to employers maybe. teachers seem like ppl from my pichla janam

rama srinivasan said...

come on, move ur butt
i am bored of seeing the same thing