Saturday, January 20, 2007


i am moody. i can laugh at the most nonsense of jokes or laugh for no reason. I can act completely crazy and i can also be so unapproachable in the sense that nobody can hold conversation with me beyond monosyllables and as for laughing - not gonna happen. i have known this for a very long time. But i have never understood really how and what sparks these moods. The transitions baffle me sometimes ( other times i am not in the mood to think) What is it? how do i go from a cheerful to morose in a matter of hours with no reason or a very small reason. These small triggers bring up such glumness which is hard to fathom. i dont get how the gloomy mood survives through the trauma of cheer which the world would decide then to throw at you

Now as anand suggested i might try outsourcing introspection sessions. But i am not sure i'd really want the results.. not to say other people might not be able to do a fair job even if i think i am a complex person. But the thing is i really dont think i would want to know what is the objective result.. so i continue by myself. There is no result of my introspection. There was never meant to be any.. remember, i said i have never understood. I dont think i will. Maybe its just the way i am. Its so easy to get away with things by saying this who i am. But its true. i think to some degree everybody is moody. some's mood changes are more visible. and i believe i am one of them. Should i try to change? i dont think i can.. and i dont think i want to. i love being crazy.. and if i have to take the dejected part at times, its worth it. and the last, but not the least..i am who i am!


Anonymous said...

hey u r not as crazy or moody as u think u r. i will win hands down any day :-P

Eye of Tiger said...

hey.. dont start a contest.. though our family has handled so far, i dont think they can handle if we really got down to a competition..