Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Me and the other Me

Throughout my school life, there were two 'me'.. one at home and one at school. And the report cards from school stating i was a quiet, soft-spoken girl sent shock waves through my family. If anyone asks my family about me, a whole lot of adjectives would come out and many might surprise me but i am quite confident that 'quiet or soft-spoken' would not be used. (If they do, you would then find me at the nearby hospital, recovering from severe shock.) But why was i so at school. Ofcourse, people do try to be on their best behaviour in public.. and i wouldnt really be shouting at my teachers, now would i? But it wasnt just that. it was not a slightly more polite, subdued version of me at school. i was a completely different person. i was shy and self conscious. I never thought about the difference. i wasnt prone to much analysing those days (thats just an awful habit i picked up in recent years). Even now, i cant say much about why it was so. Things improved as i went higher up at school. But any substantial change came only in college. In college, i became one person. The person who was very much the same, both at home and outside (well not exactly.. i cant be a brat everywhere right??) Though still shy and self conscious, i was no longer the "quiet, soft-spoken girl". My 2 personalities merged and i stopped being someone else, once outside my home. Now, i am a calmer version but alteast i am still me. and the best thing is that the 'me' is just one me. I dont know why exactly and i am too lazy to inquire further.


rama srinivasan said...

at one moment u r one person, at another u r completely different. to one individual you appear the way you will never do to another. there is not one or two of u, but tens and hundreds.

janaki_me said...

rama is in the business of complicating things right now so dont listen to her.
i quite agree with you about merging personalities, many of us live with split ones and hopefully find a coherence eventually.